“This training helped me better understand the concepts of Vicarious trauma and the importance of evaluating our response to trauma exposure.”
Diana Ortega-Feerick, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean of Student Engagement and Retention
Del Mar College


“After hosting Dr. Bassett-Cameron to facilitate her training with my campus' staff, she was invited to present virtually to system wide SUNY student affairs staff. Dr. Bassett-Cameron did an amazing job connecting with over 200 participants virtually, and they benefited just as much as my staff did on campus. As expected, the feedback from the staff was incredible. It was expected that the Title IX and Student Conduct folks would benefit – but most participants, regardless of their role on campus indicated the training was extremely helpful – especially given the last several years of supporting students through the pandemic. I was not surprised to learn that Dr. Bassett-Cameron has been invited to several individual campuses to facilitate more training.”
Mike Taberski, Ed.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
SUNY Geneseo


"This workshop was truly eye-opening in understanding how this work has impacted me in ways that I haven't had the words to admit or describe experiences that I have had. Just as important, I found the workshop valuable in giving me a sense of hope in moving forward with the knowledge that I gained. Thank you, Jill!"
Ashley Atteberry
Director of Student Conduct & Resolution

Minnesota State University


“Excellent training- Jill was so knowledgeable and engaging!”
Tamara O'Day-Stevens, Ph.D.
Dean of Students

Goodwin College


“By learning more about vicarious trauma I am better able to help myself and support co-workers. Jill made the training engaging and fun!”
Nora Anderson
Hall Director

Southern CT State University


“Jill was extremely knowledgeable in her focus area and she allowed the audience to share personal and/or professional thoughts in this area. Excellent presenter.”
Tom Cottiero
PE (Elementary)
Hamden, CT


“Jill has a fun, loving and professional way about her. The topic relates to all individuals in any stage of their lives. She uses a variety of teaching strategies to keep participants engaged and eager to learn more. Jill's content knowledge is exceptional and it was truly a day of learning and growing together.”
Michael Cebula
Proud Health & Physical Education Teacher
Hamden, CT


"I have been an educator for 11 years and an administrator for 6 and never have I seen an audience be so captivated. Dr. Bassett was able to share her knowledge through a shared experience rather than 'talking at people'. She set the stage right from the start, as desks were put in a circle making the room warm, inviting and safe."

Amanda Forcucci

K-12 Curriculum Director, Health & Physical Education

Hamden Public Schools, CT



"Dr. Jill Bassett-Cameron did an amazing job and it was super engaging. I think everyone should do this workshop that works in higher education and it add validation to our work which we need."

Joshua Kwame Sumrell

Coordinator of the Intercultural Center

Eastern CT State University


"Jill's expertise, presentation/facilitation style, and her sharp wit made this session EPIC!"

Jill Jemmott, EdD.

Guided Pathways Adviser II

Gateway Community College


“This training changed my perspective on how I approach Title IX Cases. I was able to learn first-hand the impact that vicarious trauma has on participants, as well as Title IX Agents. I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in this training as it has profoundly impacted my investigative approach and compassion for students.”


“Jill's workshop is relevant to today's conversations on sexual violence, trauma-informed training, and self-care. VT is often overlooked in Student Affairs and Higher Education, yet an understanding of VT can make us better educators, colleagues, and people. I highly recommend those that work closely with students, in any capacity, consider this workshop to provide a theoretical understanding and practical tools for understanding and supporting vicarious trauma.”


“The training is a reminder of the amount of reflection and self-care needed to sustain oneself. For me, the training elicited the actual feelings and emotions that come along with the given aspects of Title IX work. It was odd but impactful to experience those emotions in hindsight.”


“This is an important topic that professionals in the helping professions need to understand and be aware of how it can impact the way we do our work.”


"This training changed my perspective on how I approach Title IX Cases. I was able to learn first-hand the impact that vicarious trauma has on participants, as well as Title IX Agents. I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in this training as it has profoundly impacted my investigative approach and compassion for students.”


“This workshop was truly beneficial and open my eyes to things that I felt I had to 'over look' and realizing that those 'things' can sometimes affect us as professionals within our personal life. Truly helpful and great workshop!”



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