I offer a variety of adaptations of my Vicarious Trauma Workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to provide professionals with basic information and skills to effectively identify and process vicarious trauma.

This research sought to better understand any vicarious trauma that Title IX agents experience. The participants’ experiences were best measured in their open-ended story telling as well as in the data from the indicators of vicarious trauma and Constructivist Self-Development Theory. While more research is needed to better understand what elements impact vicarious trauma in Title IX lived experience, my research starts the much-needed conversation.


This workshop is designed for Title IX Agents, defined as higher education professionals who have direct contact and responsibility for sexual misconduct cases. Other workshops offered are geared towards:

  • Student Affairs/ Higher Education professionals
  • K-12 educators
  • other helping professions such as social workers/counselors, law enforcement, and anyone in the medical field

I also work with clients who want one-on-one support.


Title IX encompasses sexual misconduct violations, which include all forms of sexual harassment, sexual violence (verbal, physical, and sexual assault), sexual discrimination, domestic violence (intimate partner violence), dating violence, and stalking. Additionally, Vicarious Trauma can be experienced by any situation that produces trauma such as crisis situations, health-related incidents or deaths, life hardship, and/or natural disasters.


Participants will be able to identify ways in which they can better manage their personal experiences with the indicators of vicarious trauma. The workshop is interactive, ranges from 1-3 hours and provides a guidebook.


I also offer a variety of trainings including Fact Finding, Weighing Evidence, Student Conduct Interviewing, Educational Sanctions, Student Development Theory, Ethical Student Conduct Reasoning Framework, Implicit Bias Exercise Assessment for Conduct, Quantitative vs Qualitative Research/Questioning, and how to select, train, and retain Faculty, Staff, and Student Conduct/Title IX Hearing Boards. The purpose of these workshops is to provide peer institutions/professionals with new and creative ways to educate on topics of Title IX and compliance. I provide the institution with activities, resources, and team building techniques that are reported to increase morale and work performance. Additionally, I offer assistance developing Assessment for Title IX and how to conduct a Peer Review Assessment for Student Conduct.


Contact me so we can discuss how I can tailor a workshop to meet your unique needs.


Vicarious Trauma Workshop, Gateway Community College and CSU


Upcoming Virtual Trainings for a variety of HESA programs across the nation including Southern Illinois , University of Georgia, University of Colorado, and University of Houston.


"Dr. Bassett-Cameron's training helped our student affairs masters students determine the ways we face vicarious trauma in our daily work and the higher education environment as well as how this trauma affects us through compassion satisfaction, fatigue, and burnout. The workshop was engaging and informative and allowed us to identify much-needed strategies and resources for self-care to combat these common issues."

Brigette Kinkade

MEd College Student Affairs Administration

University of Georgia

Vicarious Trauma Workshop, Wentworth Institute of Technology


Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, the focus and need for understanding your vicarious trauma has dramatically increased. For that reason, many of my trainings have focused on coping strategies and providing personal assessment tools on how to measure the impact of secondary trauma. All trainings have been conducted online and the survey data suggests that this format is meeting participants where they are.


Evaluating our response to vicarious trauma is critical, because how we are impacted by our work in the present directly affects our work in the future (Bassett, 2020).


Understanding Your Vicarious Trauma during COVID-19 and Beyond – NASPA Region 1, April 2020, online for 100+ participants

Quotes include:

"I had the opportunity to attend the webinar, 'Understanding Your Vicarious Trauma: During COVID-19 and Beyond' by Dr. Jill Bassett and it was definitely MORE than what I expected. Working in Higher Ed, we understand, loosely, what vicarious trauma is but her talk really put into perspective what vicarious trauma is 'not' and also covering critical tools and how to apply them in our day-to-day interactions with our students and colleagues. I took away so many great tools! Including very cool information on sensory care and different books and online resources! This talk was 100% worth the time. I actually wish it was longer! A must for Higher Ed. Professionals who work in the areas of Title IX, Residential Life and any involvement on a Care Team at your institution. Thank you, Dr. Jill, for sharing your critical research!"


Kenna Grant, MS, HHC

Executive Director Student Health and Wellbeing

Dean of Students/Student Success Offices

University of Hartford



"I attended your vicarious trauma training from last week which was really helpful to me as a professional counselor to tune into impact further and feel supported/understood. Thank you for taking the time to do this."


Amber M. Dennison, M.Ed., LPC-MHSP

Counseling Center

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga



"During challenging times, it is so crucial for individuals in the helping professions to be mindful of their own mental health and happiness. Dr. Jill Bassett has provided an educational tool to her community that explores the ways in which we experience vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue, and how to persevere as individuals who are on the front lines of emotional care and concern for our students. Backed by research and thoughtfully delivered, Dr. Bassett is an asset to the Higher Education community. Thank you!"


Emily Burns

Accommodation Coordinator

Access-Ability Services

University of Hartford

Understanding Your Vicarious Trauma during COVID-19 and Beyond – SUNY, December 2020, online for 453 participants

84% of the survey participants, indicated that the workshop was a good use of their time.

Workshop has been described as informative, self-reflective, thought-provoking, educational, practical and engaging.


Understanding Your Vicarious Trauma during COVID-19 and Beyond – Quinnipiac University, January 2021, online for 10 staff members


Understanding Your Vicarious Trauma during COVID-19 and Beyond – Southern CT State University, January 2021, online for 8 staff members


Vicarious Trauma and Your RA Role – Emmanuel College,  January 2021, online for 25 RA members


"Thank you so much for all of your work! Your passion for this subject made learning fun,helpful, and helped me to see myself actually practicing your suggestions both with myself and my residents! I can’t thank you enough for all of your support and genuine love and understanding for the difficulties we as RAs and really just student in general experience! My apologies for all of the typos, I’m currently typing on my phone as I’m mid flight across the country to get to school! The way you present is just so natural and perfect! I didn’t feel like I was listening to a boring lecture! I felt like I was having a conversation with you even though we never spoke personally! Thank you for speaking with us and teaching us so much!"

RA at Emmanuel College


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